Elephant Ear Betta (Dumbo): An Ultimate Care Guide

Table of Content
1. Appearance2. Origin and Natural Habitat
3. Size
4. Varieties
4.1 Halfmoon Elephant Ear Betta
4.2 Crown Tail Elephant Ear Betta
4.3 The Rose Tail Elephant Ear Betta
5. Behaviour and Temperament
6. Lifespan
7. What Elephent Ear Betta Eat
7.1 Pellets
7.2 Flake Food
7.3 Frozen Food
7.4 Live Food
7.4.1 Daphnia
7.4.2 Brine Shrim
7.4.3 Bloodworms
7.4.4 Tubifex Worm
7.4.5 Black Worm
7.4.6 Fruit Flies
7.4.7 Mosquito Larvae
8. What Is The Perfect Feed Time of Your Elephant Ear Betta?
9. Elephant Ear Betta Tank Requirments
9.1 Tank Size
9.2 Tank Shape
9.2.1 Sand
9.2.2 Gravel
9.2.3 Pebbles
9.2.4 Marble
10. A Guide For Ear Elephant Bettas Successful Breeding
11. Common Diseases in Elephant Ear Bettas and Treatments
11.1 Anchor Worms
11.2 White Spots
11.3 Fin Rot
11.4 Dropsy
11.5 Tail Rot
11.6 Popeye
11.1 Mounth Funggus
12. Other Diseases
13. Can They Live With Tankmates?
13.1 Zebra Danio
13.2 Placostomus
13.3 Schooling Fish
13.4 Corydoras
13.5 Snails
14. Intriguing Facts About Elephant Ear Betta
15. What Things Annoy The Elephant Ear Beta
15.1 Bright Lights and Flashing
15.2 Strong Water Currents
15.3 Overcrowded
15.4 Sudden Movements
15.5 Loud Noises
15.7 Unsuitable Tank Conditions
16. Elephant Ear Betta Care Tips
17. Conclusion
18. FAQs
If you are looking for a stunning addition to your aquarium. Look no further; elephant ear betta (Dumbo) is the best choice for you. These fascinating fish have a unique morphological appearance and are found in tropical areas. Before getting the dumbo betta, you must thoroughly research and learn everything about them. In this article, we discussed all their fundamental needs, behaviour, dietary requirements, and more. Let's read and explore!
1. Appearance
The Dumbo Betta, also called the Elephant Ear Betta, is a distinctive kind of betta fish distinguished by its large pectoral fins. When the Elephant Ear Betta swims, its huge pectoral fins produce a captivating fluttering effect that is a remarkable feature of this unique species. These fins are significantly larger as compared to other betta fish
The elephant ear betta is a truly exceptional aquatic marvel. Female elephant ear betta has a slimmer overall body profile with a shorter tail and dorsal fin. Additionally, as compared to the males, their ventral fins are smaller and less prominent. Dumbo betta fish comes in a variety of colours, such as bright pink, blue, and light green, with the contrast of light brown shade.
Males have longer tail, fin, and different colours than their female counterparts, so some fish hobbyists may find the males more attractive. However, both sexes often have a short, plump physical appearance, a large head, and a small mouth. to read more about male and female dumbo betta.
2. Origin and Natural Habitat
Thailand history reports that the dumbo betta evolved from betta fish with naturally oversized pectoral fins trait. This trait occurs in only a few individuals per generation. These specific betta fish have larger pectoral fins than their peers from the same generation, and it is an unusual characteristic likely due to congenital defects.
In the past, Thai betta breeders started the development of this unique dumbo fish by selectively mating the short-tailed bettas with larger pectoral fin bettas. This careful breeding process led to successive generations of bettas that display enormous pectoral fins and are now known as ‘Elephant Ear Betta’. It's also important to remember that these early elephant ear bettas had less vibrant skin colour than modern dumbo bettas. Over time, betta breeders crossbred elephant ear betta with vibrantly coloured species to enhance their colour intensity and beauty
Additionally, breeders in Thailand extended the lineage of the elephant ear betta by mating its short tails dumbo with Halfmoon Bettas and other betta species with longer tails. Through many generations of selective breeding, the vibrantly coloured, long tailed dumbo betta fish was eventually produced. Today, the Dumbo Halfmoon Betta is widely recognized and the most famous type of Dumbo.
It's crucial to remember that short-tailed dumbo bettas frequently win betta fish competitions. The size of the pectoral fins is often the defining characteristic in these competitions, with short-tailed dumbo bettas typically exhibiting larger, more complete fins than their long-tailed counterparts because of their longer development histories and more reputable pedigrees.
3. Size
Elephant ear betta fish typically reach maturity at 6.5 cm (2.5 inches), sometimes growing as long as 8.9 cm (3.5 inches). Due to the larger fins, they look bigger, so it is recommended to provide them enough space to survive
4. Varieties
Aquarists found a wonderful world of bright colours, stunning fin displays, and patterns in the various varieties dumbo betta fish. Each type has an array of shimmery scales that sparkle in multiple colours, from blues and reds to rich greens and deep purples. These species also have intricate spots and stripes.
Short-tailed dumbo betta and long-tailed dumbo betta are the two primary types of dumbo betta variations. Due to their more extended and more established bloodlines, short-tailed dumbo bettas often have larger pectoral fins. In dumbo betta fish contests, the size and condition of the pectoral fins are among the distinctive qualities that judges consider. The pectoral fins must be big, complete, and without damage or deformities to be considered competition-grade. Additionally, to uphold the highest standard of dumbo betta bloodlines, the pectoral fins on both sides must be symmetrical. Here are a few other popular elephant ear betta fish varieties.
4.1 Halfmoon Elephant Ear Betta
The pectoral fins of the Halfmoon elephant ear betta spread outward approximately 180 degrees like exquisite fans. They create a fantastic display when they flare their gorgeous fins. Explore the Dumbo Halfmoon Betta Guide Blog for the detailed information.
4.2 Crown Tail Elephant Ear Betta
This fish has a long tail and fin resembling a delicate crown. Their appearance makes them unique in aquariums.
4.3 The Rose Tail Elephant Ear Betta
It is another kind of dumbo betta fish. These fish have fins covered in beautiful folds and wrinkles that mimic the floral petals.
5. Behaviour and Temperament
Dumbo betta fish, especially males, are famous for their aggressive nature. Males have highly threatening behaviour and can attack their own species in tanks. These bettas love to stay in their territories and cannot tolerate other species, even other bettas.
However, female bettas have different and peaceful natures. They are friendly and can live with their mates. More than four females in one aquarium can trigger their aggression and cause self-damage.
6. Lifespan
Elephant ear bettas can live for 1.5 to 2 years. However, they can have an even longer life expectancy, but with the careful consideration of essential factors, including diet and tank maintenance.
7. What Does Elephant Ear Betta Eat?
Making a wholesome diet for your pet, elephant ear betta is like creating a mouthwatering cuisine. You can plan a diet schedule that meets their requirements appropriately. You should consider the essential diet ingredients to add to this diet plan. Here, we will cover all the preferable food items such as pellets, flakes, frozen food, dried food, freeze-dried and live food.
7.1 Pellets
Omega One and New Life Spectrum are famous examples of pellets. These little powerhouses are rich in protein that can easily be digestible for fish
7.2 Flake Food
Fish keepers also use flake food. However, using it longer is not preferable because it can cause bloating. Overall, it is not a great option as a feed for the fish.
7.3 Frozen Food
Frozen food is a superb option to make your elephant ear betta happy. You can use this as a treat or as a primary meal source. Frozen bloodworms are one of their favourite choices.
7.4 Live Food
Live food is the perfect option to give your bettas. Live foods include Daphnia, Brine Shrimps, Bloodworms, Tubifex Worms, Black Worms, Fruit Flies, and Mosquito Larvae.
7.4.1 Daphnia
These are the freshwater crustaceans known as daphnia. Daphnia is essential to their diet and provides enough protein and nutrients to live a healthy life.
7.4.2 Brine Shrimp
Brine shrimps are a mouthwatering option for your elephant ear betta's diet. They give a delicious, protein-rich option that fits the fish's carnivorous nature. These tasty and healthy shrimps are a substantial source of protein and help them thrive in their aquatic habitat.
7.4.3 Bloodworms
Bloodworms are the primary and unique source of the diet for your elephant ear betta. These nutrient-rich treats have mosquito larvae, that are protein-rich and beneficial for the dumbo betta.
7.4.4 Tubifex Worm
Tubifex worms are also a delicious source of protein. These worms are readily available at any pet store. Your dumbo betta fish enjoys this healthy treat, and they improve their health.
7.4.5 Black worm
Black worms are an essential food due to their high nutrient content. This worm feed encourages the vitality and vibrancy in their aquatic habitat.
7.4.6 Fruit Flies
Fruit Flies are little insects high in protein and a portion of delicious food for your elephant ear betta.
7.4.7 Mosquito Larvae
These tiny larvae are enriched with essential nutrients and protein for the well-being of the elephant ear betta.
8. What Is the Perfect Feed Time of Your Elephant Ear Betta?
Experts suggest two daily feedings are the best routine for elephant ear bettas. Let your bettas embrace a fasting day once a week, which is also suitable for their digestion system. Morning and Evening feed routine is best for optimal growth and healthy survival. However, an efficient and appropriate filter is most important in the tank to clear the water after feed consumption.
Another important thing is how you serve them their meals. If you're giving them frozen treats, use tank water to break down the food in a little cup. This considerate method ensures the food is served at the ideal temperature, reducing potential eating problems.
Just dropping the frozen food directly can cause problems in consuming fish. Timing and feeding methods come together to produce a nourishing routine for your elephant ear betta.
9. Elephant Ear Betta Tank Requirements
Creating a suitable environment for your elephant ear betta fish requires appropriate set-up and care. A perfect tank set-up with the ideal atmosphere for their healthy lifestyle is necessary because these are tough to handle. All essential requirements are the following:
9.1 Tank Size
For the well-being of the betta, you need to provide enough room to move and hide quickly. Fish keepers frequently believe that if elephant ear betta is smaller, they can live in compact, small spaces. But confined areas can lead to health problems. You must choose the tank size carefully, which must be 20 gallons.
9.2 Tank Shape
It is essential to consider the tank shape for dumbo ear betta. They are active swimmers who need enough space to move freely. Following are three shapes of tanks.
9.2.1 Horizontal Space
These types of tanks are ideal, with ample space and flexibility for set-up. They have rectangular and longer shapes, offering plenty of room to show their fins and explore the tank.
9.2.2 Vertical Space
Elephant ear betta can jump from one side to another, so you must choose a tank with some height. It will be peaceful for the bettas, and they can show their majestic activities easily.
9.2.3 Skip the bowfront tanks
Bowfront tanks have curved front panels and less space for swimming. These tanks are not preferable for the Bettas. In these tanks, fish owners can not enjoy the fin moves of their fish.
9.3 Water Parameters
Keeping the water between 75- and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (24 and 28 degrees Celsius) is crucial. Water dGH should be 3 to 4. It is essential to have an aquarium heater, especially during colder months. These aquatic marvels exhibit extraordinary adaptability to various pH ranges. Regularly check the pH of the water is approximately 7, neither too acidic nor too basic. Water parameter fluctuations can cause shock for fish. Fish keepers need to regulate the ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. You can monitor the water parameters with the water testing kit.
9.4 Plants & Rocks
Improve the ambiance of the tank with tropical lilies and tall stem plants. These plants give a comfortable hideaway to fish. These additions bring colour and make your shy fish feel more comfortable and at home.
Add driftwood or hardy freshwater plants like Taxiphyllum and Microsorum to the tank environment to appeal to their introverted nature. Elephant Ear Betta will feel at ease and secure due to these enhancements, which provide shaded areas and hiding places like its natural habitat.
You can also add rocks to hide the fish. Smooth rocks are an excellent option for the tank because of their flowing fins. Hard rocks can tug on the fins, causing problems like fin rot. It is suitable to fill the tank bottom with fine substrate.
Just be careful that no sharp edges on the plants could cut into the betta's sensitive fins and tail.
9.5 Substrates
Substrates are the layer lining for the bottom of the tank, and they come in different types, such as sand, gravel, pebbles, and marble.
9.5.1 Sand
Sand substrate enhances the ambiance with its natural texture. Moreover, it is a favourable and inexpensive substrate for elephant ear betta
9.5.2 Gravel
It is a popular substrate for the Betta aquarium. It also gives a sleek and natural look to the aquarium.
9.5.3 Pebbles
Pebbles made with natural minerals are small and rounded stones. It comes in a variety of colours. This substrate is ideal for the aquarium to grow the beneficial bacteria. It is easy to maintain and clean as compared to other substrates.
9.5.4 Marble
Marble gives a beautiful look to the aquarium, but it is less expensive than the other gravel and sand substrates. You do not need to replace it again.
9.6 Lighting
Lighting is another essential factor to consider at the tank set-up time. You must choose the tank light wisely, which can add a magical dimension to the aquarium. Remember that light increases the temperature; you prefer the soft glow light.
9.7 Filtration
Filtration plays a vital role in the upkeep of elephant ear betta. The condition of the water has a significant impact on the health and lifestyle of the bettas, and they also prefer clear and clean water. Poor water quality can cause bacterial infections to cause degradation.
By adding the filter, microbes, and organic wastes cannot be built up in tanks and pipes. It will help to bring a fresh breath of cleanliness into the betta's house.
However, there are various things to notice when buying the filter. Choose a filter that has an efficient cartridge system. This system helps maintain and replace the biological, chemical, and mechanical filter components.
10. A Guide for Elephant Ear Bettas Successful Breeding
Elephant ear betta requires careful planning and tank set-up for breeding. You should start by creating the ideal breeding environment. Although breeding the exotic elephant ear betta in captivity can be challenging, betta enthusiasts must try to reproduce them to observe and learn their nature and facts more deeply.
Keep in mind successful reproduction depends on the betta's health. Introduce the male and female in the same tank. The breeding process will start after a while. You need to maintain the water temperature and other water parameters. Poor water quality can disturb the breeding process.
For the breeding, Male bettas spread their beautiful fins to attract possible mates. The females show their readiness signal by enhancing their colours and exhibiting vertical stripes along their bodies. As the captivating courting proceeds, the male builds nests on the water's surface, creating a secure place for the female elephant ear betta to lay her eggs.
The male makes the "nuptial embrace," a process in which the male wraps itself around the female until all the eggs are laid. The female then releases her eggs into the ready nests. After that, males discharge the milt into the nests to fertilize the eggs. The male carefully picks up any sinking eggs and places them in his mouth.
Females help the male partner in this process, but sometimes, it can be dangerous because she can eat the eggs. To avoid this, the male sends the female away from the nests to protect the eggs.
Within 24 to 36 hours, larvae are produced and fed by their yolk sacs. After a few more days, the fry develops into swimmers who can freely explore their aquatic environment.
11. Common Diseases in Elephant Ear Bettas and Treatments
Elephant ear betta can have some common bacterial and fungal diseases due to inadequate water quality, an unfavourable environment, etc. Let's discuss the common conditions and find out how fish keepers can protect their Bettas from them.
11.1 Anchor Worms
Contaminated plants and fish can cause this disease. Red, itchy, and bumpy fish skin are the symptoms of this disease. To address the problem head-on, separate the diseased fish into a different tank and give them a dewormer.
11.2 White Spots
Overfeeding, untreated injury, poor water quality, and other circumstances can cause the white spot disease on your elephant ear betta fish. White-coloured spots appear on the tail and fin of the fish. To cure this disease, maintain the water quality and treat the fish with anti-fungal or anti-bacterial medication.
11.3 Fin Rot
Fin rot is a major disease frequently resulting from stress, damaged tissue, and water quality. Keep an eye on the shredded and rugged fins of the fish.
When this case happens, separate the impacted fish. Add a little salt to the tank of the fish. You should also improve the water quality.
11.4 Dropsy
If the elephant ear betta has raised scales and a bloated belly, it can be a dropsy disease. It can be due to the blockage of the intestine and poor water quality. You should take immediate action after seeing the symptoms. To treat this, contact your veterinary doctor.
11.5 Tail Rot
When the fish has tail rot, it frequently results from stress, untreated wounds, and impaired water quality. The tail and fin appear ragged and dark. If your dumbo ear betta fish has tail rot, you must act immediately. Place the fish in a separate tank and add salt to it for cure.
11.6 Popeye
Contaminated water, injury, and bacterial infections can lead to this disease. Eyeballs bulge out, and sickness is the symptom of Popeye's disease. If you see this in your dumbo elephant ear betta, you must consult and take it to the vet.
11.7 Mouth Fungus
In this disease, white growth appears in the mouth of fish. A weak immune system and poor water quality cause it. To treat this disease, give special care to fish and add anti-fungal medicine in the tank.
12. Other Diseases
Here, we will discuss another bacterial and fungal infection that can be treated with salt water and meditation.
- Septicaemia
- Velvet
- Costia
- Columnaris
- Gill Flukes
- Mystery root
- Blindness
- Hole in the head
- Tail-biting issue
13. Can They Live with Tankmates?
As mentioned above, elephant ear betta fish are aggressive and highly protective about their territory. But they can live with other tank mates. Only fish keepers introduce other fish species into their tank after knowing their behaviour, so be careful and track them 72 hours after adding other fish to their aquarium.
To keep them with other fish, you need a larger tank that provides enough area for hiding and swimming. Before adding the tank mates, you should know the most suitable tankmates that can be friendly with them. Here are a few popular dumbo ear betta tankmates.
13.1 Zebra Danio
Zebra Danios are the best option as tankmates for the Bettas, but you need a larger tank for them. This fish resembles the Neon Tetras and can live with many other species.
13.2 Plecostomus
These are popular due to their friendly and non-aggressive nature. They are ideal companions for the dumbo betta. Plecostomus are scavengers and keep the tank's environment peaceful and clean.
13.3 Schooling Fish
Neon Tetras are ideal schooling fish that do well with the dumbo ear betta fish and other fish species. You can keep your Bettas with the school of Neon Tetras; they behave friendly.
13.4 Corydoras
Corydoras are bottom-dweller fish species that can live peacefully with Bettas and other fish.
13.5 Snails
Snails are the other best option to add to the dumbo betta tank. But you should take care of them in the first hours. If the antennas of snails are nipping, you need to separate them.
14. Intriguing Facts About Elephant Ear Betta
- Elephant ear betta are appealing because of their distinctive features, which include flaring their gills to amaze the other fish in the tank or response to environmental changes. When other fish disturb them, pale horizontal bands appear on the body, which enhance their exciting appearance.
- The elephant ear bettas are also known as warriors' clans. When two dumbo elephant ear betta is housed in the same aquarium, fish owners place bets and enjoy their attacks on each other.
- Dumbo ear betta has the fantastic adaptation of a special Labyrinth Organ, enabling them to breathe air from the water's surface.
- People in Thailand called them “ปลากัดหูช้าง," which means elephant ear betta.
- Elephant ear betta are expensive due to their stunning appearance and colours. This species has only three colours in the wild: grey, light brown, and dull green.
- Their fins can grow to five times more enormous than other fish's.
15. What Things Annoy the Elephant Ear Betta?
Like humans, elephant ear betta fish are also annoyed, which causes stress and could harm their health. Here are some things that can disturb your ear dumbo betta.
15.1 Bright Lights and Flashing
If bright lights and flashing appear suddenly, it can irritate the elephant ear betta. To make a calm and peaceful environment, avoid abrupt changes in light and use the soft lights in the tank.
15.2 Strong Water Currents
Due to his sensitive fins, Dumbo cannot withstand fast water currents. They may find it difficult to move, which can exhaust them. You must frequently check the water flow.
15.3 Overcrowd
Overcrowded tank can cause the stress in dumbo species. They could feel uneasy in over-decorated and overcrowded tanks. You should avoid housing up to four fish in larger tanks.
15.4 Sudden Movements
The Elephant Ear Betta will become uncomfortable if you move rapidly or suddenly close to the tank. You must go cautiously close to the tank to prevent this.
15.5 Loud Noises
They may become irritated by unexpected noises like tapping on the tank. For those reasons, keep the tank in a peaceful place.
15.6 Excessive Handling
Dumbo elephant ear betta can sometimes tolerate excessive handling without becoming anxious. You must refrain from inappropriate contact and give them suitable surroundings after touching.
15.7 Unsuitable Tank Conditions
Poor water quality, temperature fluctuations, and insufficient filtration can also annoy them. For the healthy survival, it is imperative to maintain them in optimal circumstances.
16. Elephant Ear Betta Care Tips
The general guidelines for caring for Dumbo Betta fish are the same as those for other betta species. However, as damage to these fins can be challenging to repair, additional care must be taken to prevent injury, especially when handling, transporting, or changing the water in the tank.
Dumbo Betta fish have highly active pectoral fins. If they sustain damage and fail to recover on their own, these fins could become permanently separated or fragmented. Therefore, raising Dumbo Betta fish with great care is imperative at every stage. Following are more tips.
- To maintain and boost the health and survival of your dumbo betta fish, take adequate care of them. A large aquarium with live plants and all other necessary factors contributes to their happiness and overall health.
- Feed them a balanced diet at their specific time. Ensure they get enough protein because they need it for a healthier and longer lifespan.
- Use efficient filtration on the strategic placement to prevent excessive sunlight exposure.
- Use effective filtration in a well-placed area to reduce excessive sunlight exposure.
- For the high water quality, cleaning must be done once weekly. Additional maintenance is needed to keep the tank free of algae.
- Monitoring the temperature and water pH is also crucial. Ignoring these factors can lead to adverse effects on dumbo betta.
17. Conclusion
The elephant ear betta is a mysterious fish among aquatic creatures. This fish has captured the hearts of enthusiasts and amateurs with its stunning appearance and distinctive characteristics.
They prefer a protein-rich diet and require easy care. No other fish, like elephant ear betta fish, have unique traits and qualities. Unfortunately, they don't like to live with others, primarily male dumbo betta.
Watching the movement of your betta is the most peaceful and relaxed feeling ever. Aquarists can adore the beauty of their aquariums more with well-chosen plants, rock substrates, and harmonious tankmates. Elephant ear betta is rare and hard to find in stores, but you can easily order from https://thailandbettafish.com/collections/dumbo at affordable prices.
18. FAQs
Can elephant ear betta fish live in tap water?
Yes, elephant ear betta fish can tolerate tap water. But, before putting the fish, you must prepare the water carefully.
Are elephant ear betta fish social?
No, elephant ear betta fish are not social. They are known as fighting fish and are incredibly aggressive. They threaten and attack other fish species.
Is elephant betta fish the right pet?
Elephant ear betta fish is the perfect pet for individuals who value their beauty and are prepared to provide the proper care, such as ideal tank conditions, upkeep, and balanced food. They can add a compelling and distinctive presence in the aquarium and thrive in a well-maintained atmosphere.
How frequently should we replace and clean the tank water?
You should replace the water once a week. Some fish owners keep them in the bow, which can trigger their stress level and cause skin injury. You should change and clean the tank water once a week for their ideal growth and health.
Is elephant ear betta easy to care for?
Yes, elephant ear betta is easier and simpler to care for. But you must keep in mind a few considerations that are exclusive to this fish species. They are more vulnerable to common diseases such as fin rot and fin nippers than other species.
Is elephant ear betta's breeding process easier?
Yes, the breeding process of elephant ear betta fish is quite simple, but getting their traits is exceedingly challenging because the elephant ear betta is one of the most recessive features in Bettas. Even if male and female both have elephant ears, only a few fry will get them.
Why is the elephant ear betta unique in other bettas?
Elephant ear betta is unique due to their distinctive appearance. It has an elongated pectoral fin resembling the elephant ears. Moreover, it has attractive colours and graceful movements.
What water conditions do dumbo betta fish prefer?
Dumbo betta fish prefers calm water, with the 75°-82°F Temperature and 7 pH.
How many days does elephant ear betta live without food?
Elephant ear betta can live 10 to 14 days without food. They don't require much food to survive because their stomachs are as small as their eyes.
Can dumbo betta survive without the filter?
Yes, dumbo betta can survive without a filter. But ensure that water should be clean and aerated.
What is the best feed for dumbo elephant ear betta?
Protein-rich feed is the best for the dumbo elephant ear betta, such as frozen bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimps, and daphnia.
Can dumbo betta fish survive in extremely cold water?
No, dumbo betta fish cannot survive in extremely cold water. You should provide them with suitable conditions for their survival and growth.
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